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LAST UPDATED: August 1, 2023

This privacy notice only applies to a survey conducted by SurveyMonkey Inc. (also referred to in this notice as SurveyMonkey) that includes a link to this privacy notice. It does not apply, for example, to any other SurveyMonkey sites, products or services, or to surveys conducted by third parties via SurveyMonkey’s survey platform. SurveyMonkey is responsible for your responses.

SurveyMonkey collects personal information from you if you choose to participate in this survey.

SurveyMonkey collects the following types of personal information:

  • Your responses to survey questions
  • Your IP address
  • The date and time when you took the survey
  • Any other personal details which you provide voluntarily, such as your email address
  • Cookies like performance monitoring cookies.

We will collect information about how you interact with our survey through cookies we use (see cookies section below). A good deal of the cookie data collected from you is aggregated and used only to provide general information about interactions with our survey tool. You can choose to remove or disable cookies in your browser. To learn how to manage your cookies, please visit your web browser's help center. Please note that doing this may adversely impact the functionality of the survey you are taking.

While we appreciate you responding to our survey, we would ask that you not share any confidential information, trade secrets or personal information of others in your responses. We reserve the right to delete any such response data.

Below we list and describe the types of cookies we use when you take a survey with us.

Required Cookies

Certain cookies are necessary in order for a survey to operate correctly. For example, we use cookies to authenticate you. When you log on to our websites, authentication cookies are set which let us know who you are during a browsing session. (Example cookie names: ep201)

Functionality Cookies

These cookies are used to enable certain additional functionality on our websites, such as storing your preferences like username and language selection and preventing users from taking the same survey multiple times. This functionality improves the user experience. (Example cookie names: cf, RP_XXXXXXXX, P_XXXXXX)

Performance Monitoring and Performance Enhancement Cookies

Some cookies are used to collect information about how survey respondents interact with surveys. We use the information to analyze how users use surveys, detect problems with our surveys, and help us improve and refine our services and features. These cookies generally collect information in a pseudonymous form and allow us to determine information such as the number of visitors to a webpage, how visitors came to the website, and the pages they visited. We sometimes test new or different features and content with subsets of users and use cookies to help us ensure that the users who are a part of an experiment have a consistent experience. (Example cookie names: ep202)

Other cookies help us to manage the traffic that comes to our website and provide you with quicker response times by distributing the traffic across our different servers, otherwise known as load balancing. (Example cookie names: EP201)

You don't have to take a survey. But, if you do take a survey, you acknowledge that SurveyMonkey collects and uses your data for the legitimate interests and purposes described in this Privacy Notice.

Your survey responses will be used by SurveyMonkey for research and commercial purposes. SurveyMonkey may use the collected information to administer the survey, to improve future surveys by, for example, looking at trends regarding how groups in particular locations respond to particular questions. We may also use the results to produce data and trends for commercial purposes and publication.

For example, we may use your personal information to administer the survey and to improve future surveys or to inform business and product decisions. We will also analyze aggregate trends and survey results both for our own purposes and for commercial reasons.

Third Parties

Your survey responses but not your email address or IP address may be sold to or shared with third parties, such as media firms, financial services, or market research firms. While such third parties may be able to identify you based on your responses (for example if voluntarily shared information about yourself in a response), SurveyMonkey contractually prohibits such third parties from disclosing your identity to other third parties and using survey responses to identify you as an individual or contact you for any purpose (marketing or otherwise).


SurveyMonkey may disclose the personal information you provide to its affiliates.

Other Situations

SurveyMonkey may disclose your personal information in the following situations:

  • To comply with the law or respond to legal process or lawful requests, including from law enforcement and government agencies.
  • To protect the rights or property of SurveyMonkey or our customers, including to combat fraud or protect SurveyMonkey’s interests, or to enforce the terms governing your use of the services.
  • As part of a corporate transaction such as a merger or sale of assets.
  • Where SurveyMonkey believes in good faith that access or disclosure is necessary to protect the personal safety of SurveyMonkey employees, customers or the public.

De-identified information

SurveyMonkey may publish our analysis of survey responses and the results of our research. Such publications will not contain your personal information.

Your personal information may be stored and/or processed in the United States or any other country where SurveyMonkey or its affiliates, subsidiaries, or service providers maintain facilities.

We enter into contracts to ensure the safe transfer and storage of your personal information.

We only retain data about you for the period necessary for us to gain useful insights from that data and fulfil the uses described in this privacy notice or for as long as a particular survey remains open (whichever is the longer period). Generally, we won’t retain personal data about you for more than 2 years from the last date you responded to a survey—unless we have legal or business reasons requiring us to retain it for longer.

SurveyMonkey is happy to assist you in order to:

  • Find out what kind of personal information SurveyMonkey holds about you and what we do with that information.
  • Get a copy of the personal information which SurveyMonkey holds about you.
  • Have SurveyMonkey update or correct inaccurate personal information.
  • Receive a copy of the information which you have provided to us in a form which makes it easy for you to give this information to a different organization.
  • Take back your consent to SurveyMonkey using your personal information and to have your information deleted unless we have overriding lawful reasons for retaining that information (please note, if you take back your consent, this will not affect our use of your personal information before you notified us that you no longer consent).
  • Stop SurveyMonkey from using your personal data if you believe that the personal information we hold about you is incorrect or our use of your information is unlawful.

We will only be able to fulfil any of the above requests if we have personal information allowing us to identify you in our systems.

For general SurveyMonkey privacy issues, or to submit feedback or ask SurveyMonkey questions about its privacy practices and this privacy notice, please contact us:

SurveyMonkey Inc. (C/O General Counsel)
910 Park Pl, Suite 300
San Mateo, California 94403
United States

Updating this Privacy Notice

SurveyMonkey may occasionally update this privacy notice to reflect feedback and changes in its business or to comply with applicable laws and regulations. When SurveyMonkey makes such an update, SurveyMonkey will revise the "last updated" date at the top of this privacy notice. If there are material changes to this privacy notice concerning how SurveyMonkey will handle your personal information, SurveyMonkey will notify you either by prominently posting a notice of such changes before they take effect or by directly sending you a notification, when possible.