注意事項 Note

1. 此報名表只限報名2023年5月18日舉行之工作坊。
This registration form is only opened for the Workshop to be held on 18 May 2023.

2. 請填寫報名表格上全部資料。
 Please fill in ALL the information required on the Registration Form.

3. 有關活動之詳情及報名須知,請參閱評審局網頁。  
 For details of the training and notes on registration, please refer to the website of HKCAAVQ.

4. 填妥報名表格後,必須在最後一頁按「送交」鍵才能成功報名。一旦按「送交」鍵,將不能再行修改。如需更改,則必須通知評審局(研究及培訓): 李小姐(3658 0106)或郭小姐(3658 0166) ,或電郵至training@hkcaavq.edu.hk
 Once you have completed the information requested on the Registration Form, you must click the "submit" button to send the information to us. Otherwise, the registration will be unsuccessful. Once submitted, no changes can be made. If you need to make any changes you will need to contact Research & Training, HKCAAVQ: Ms. Li at 3658 0106 or Ms. Kwok at 3658 0166 or email to training@hkcaavq.edu.hk.
5. 評審局透過SurveyMonkey收集參加者的報名資料,而有關資料會在活動一個月後在SurveyMonkey上移除。有關SurveyMonkey的私隱政策,請參閱:https://zh.surveymonkey.com/mp/policy/privacy-policy/。而評審局的「收集及使用個人資料聲明」及同意書,載列於本報名表的後半部份。如有任何疑問,歡迎與評審局聯絡,聯絡方式與上述第4點相同。
 HKCAAVQ collects the information of participants for registration via SurveyMonkey. The collected information will be removed from SurveyMonkey one month after the event. For the privacy policy of SurveyMonkey, please visit: https://surveymonkey.com/mp/policy/privacy-policy/. The "Statement on Collection and Use of Personal Data" of HKCAAVQ and your consent are listed in the second half of this registration form. If there is any enquiry, please contact HKCAAVQ by the contact means listed in point 4 above.