Thank you for coming to the performance of “The Copybook of Life Challenge for Apprentice Magician”!

You are invited to fill in this questionnaire and let us know your feedback, thank you!

Question Title

* 2. 您曾欣賞過多少個CCDC節目?
How many CCDC productions have you attended?

Question Title

* 3. 過往12個月您曾欣賞過多少個舞蹈演出?
How many dance productions have you attended in the past 12 months?

Question Title

* 4. 甚麼吸引您來欣賞是次演出(可選多項)?
What attract you to this performance (Multiple options)?

Question Title

* 5. 您對本節目的意見 What do you think about this programme?

  非常滿意 Excellent 滿意 Good 普通 Fair 失望 Disappointed 非常失望 Very disappointed
編舞 Choreography
舞者 Dancers
音樂 Music
佈景/道具 Set/Props Design
服裝設計 Costume Design
燈光設計 Lighting Design
音響設計 Sound Design
宣傳設計 Marketing
整體 Overall

Question Title

* 6. 您從甚麼渠道得知是次演出資訊?(可選多項)
How did you learn about this programme (Multiple options) ?

Question Title

* 7. 我希望獲得CCDC最新資訊。
I would like to receive the latest news of CCDC.

Question Title

* 8. 是否願意參與有關CCDC市場推廣的「聚焦小組」? Would you want to be part of our "Focus Group" regarding CCDC promotion?

Question Title

* 9. 聯絡方式 Contact info

您所提供之資料只用作CCDC節目推廣之用。根據香港特別行政區個人資料(私隱)條例,您有權查閱及更正提供的個人資料。如有任何查詢,請致電CCDC,電話2329 7803。
Your provided information are for CCDC marketing use only. According to HK Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right of accessing to and correcting of the personal data provided. For enquiries please call 2329 7803.