We are looking for talented individuals interested in the PCB industry.

Big companies from Taiwan that make circuit boards have set up in Thailand. This means there's a big need for local talent in Thailand. TPCA wants to help by organizing "Thailand Talent Day" events on March 2, 2024, in Bangkok at Intelligent Asia. This is to bring in more talented people to Thailand. TPCA will keep helping companies find good talent in the future too.
Filling out this form is crucial to boost your job opportunities with Taiwanese companies. Your information will be kept confidential, so feel free to complete the form with confidence.
Please fill in English

Question Title

* 1. English Name

Question Title

* 2. Gender

Question Title

* 3. Birth Year

Question Title

* 4. Thai phone number

Question Title

* 5. Line ID

Question Title

* 7. Which region are you located in Thai?

Question Title

* 8. University

Question Title

* 9. Department

Question Title

* 10. Faculty

Question Title

* 11. What's your highest education level?

Question Title

* 12. Graduation Year & Month

Question Title

* 13. When you can start to work  (Approximately)

Question Title

* 14. English Language Skills

Question Title

* 15. Chinese Language Skills

Question Title

* 16. Any special skills or expertise

Question Title

* 17. If you wanna add some information, please fill it out here.

Question Title

* 18. You could upload your CV or Resume here

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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Question Title

* 19. You could upload your Graduation Certificate or language proficiency test

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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